Hi everyone . How has your week gone so far?
I am still following Life book 2014 running behind because I find myself playing with a technique I learned in many different ways.http://willowing.ning.com/group/life-book-2014
Jane Davenport what a awesome lady wonderful mixed media http://janedavenport.com/
If you haven't joined it is never to late for a wonderful experience with fabulous people.
Tam lovces to use her brayer and my brayer broke :( so used fingers and a large brush but now i am hooked on the brayer and could not get the effect I wanted.
Jane has such a marvelous talent..drawing..coloring everything..but my goal was to learn to proportion the body ..this is not a complete pass but it is not a complete fail...lol
My friends fighting cancer and illness..arthritis fybromyalgia and more...you have been on my mind this week ..so strong.So..this is a dedication to them..with love
Leigh,Lynn, Shell and so many more...I love you ladies so much.
This is for you
susan s
Beautiful Susan. I just love it. I still am not up to playing yet. It will happen.